Stovax View 3 Woodburner & Multi-fuel stove

Offering a more contemporary slant to Stovax’s wide choice of wood burning and multi-fuel steel stoves is the View range.

Although designed to be installed into a standard 22” (560mm) high x 16” (405mm) wide opening with the chair brick removed, it is just as attractive freestanding on a hearth or stove bench which are also available from Stovax.

This compact View 3 stove offers you multi-fuel capacity and high efficiency heating. The beauty of this wood burning and multi-fuel stove can be further enhanced by adding a high-gloss flue pipe.

Key Facts

View 3 Specifications

High efficiency up to 81%
Wood Yes
Approved for Smoke Control Areas Yes
Cleanburn Yes
Airwash Yes
Integral cast iron top plate Yes
Optional external air kit Yes
Optional Plinth base Yes
Optional Midline wood store base Yes
Nominal heat output and range 5kW (2.5-7kW)
Maximum log length 330mm
Room vent not normally required* Yes
Flue outlet 5″ top or rear
Stove bench compatible Yes
View 3 with optional glass top plate, on stove bench 100 high.
View 3 with optional glass top plate, on stove bench 100 high.
